

美國職棒大聯盟:major league baseball 簡稱(MLB)

消費者物價指數:Consumer price index 簡稱(CPI)

亞太地區:Asia Pacific Region (簡稱APR)

金融重鎮: financial capital


本日營業額: Today's turnover

內線交易: insider trading

管理顧問:management consultant

財星雜誌:Fortune magazine

雙核心處理器:dual-core processor

病毒式行銷:Ad. viral marketing

簡訊騷擾:textual harassment

電腦耗材:computer consumables

條碼掃瞄器:barcode scanner

無線網路連線:WiFi (wireless fidelity)


觸控螢幕: touchscreen

互動式真人驗證: ISV (Interactive Sender Verification)

虛擬實境: VR (virtual reality)

網際網路語音協定:wireless VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol )

網頁的製作:Note-Taking Strategies

夫妻雙薪沒小孩(頂客族):Acronyms like DINK (Double Income, No Kids的縮寫)

專家、達人:pro (professional)

反式脂肪酸:trans fatty acid

肉圓: meat balls

王子麵: Prince Noodles

黑輪:or oden

板條: flat noodles


客家美食: Hakka cuisines

冬瓜封:Wax Gourd Feng

燒肉粽: rice dumplings

艾草: moxas

建議每日攝取量:Recommended Daily Allowance 簡稱(RDA)

免洗餐具:non-disposable utensil

樂活: LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability

自由基: free radical

飛蚊症: Floater

視網膜病變:retina degeneration

乾眼症:dry eye syndrome

心電圖:ECG/EKG (Electrocardiogram)

產地證明:proof of origin

民宿:B & B (bed and breakfast)


年假:Bilingual expressions like annual leave

產假:childbirth leave

婚假: marriage leave

事假:private affair leave

公傷假: industrial injury leave

因公殉職: in-line-of-duty death

喪假:funeral leave

病假:sick leave

遣散費:severance pay

年終獎金:year-end bonus

歐盟: European Union's

種族衝突:racial conflict

無車日:Car Free Day


元宵節: Lantern Festival

端午節:Happy Dragon Boat Festival

勞動節:May Day

桐花祭:Hakka Tung Blossom Festival

清明節:Tomb Sweeping Day

倒數計時:to start the countdown

腦筋急轉彎: Brain Teasers


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