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  Basic Verbs, Prepositions, Articles, Pronouns, etc.

  1. come (verb.)

  Come here! 到這裡來!

  He will never come to much (= will never be successful). 他將來絕不會很有作為。

  How did you come to be so foolish? 你為什麼如此愚蠢?

  On what page does it come? 它在哪一頁?


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L1 Contracts
Abide by v. to comply with, to conform
Agreement n. a mutual arrangement, a contract
Agree v. agreeable adj.
Assurance n. q guarantee, confidence
Cancel v. to annul, to call off
Determine v. to find out, to influence
Engage v. to hire, to involve+
Establish v. to institute permanently, to bring about
Obligate v. to bind legally or morally
Obligation n. obligatory adj.
Party n. a person or group participating in an action or plan, the persons or sides concerned in a legal matter
Provision n. a measure taken beforehand, a stipulation
Provider n. provision n.
Resolve v. to deal with successfully, to declare
Specify v. to mention explicitly
Specification v.specific adj.

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1 機場 Airport
2 國內線航廈 Domestic Terminal
3 國際線航廈 International Terminal
4 貨運站 Cargo Terminal
5 維修棚廠 Manitenance Hanger
6 航空公司 Airlines
7 華信航空 Mandarin Airlines
8 立榮航空 UNI AIR
9 遠東航空 Far Eastern Air Transport
10 復興航空 TransAsia Airways 

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美國職棒大聯盟:major league baseball 簡稱(MLB)

消費者物價指數:Consumer price index 簡稱(CPI)

亞太地區:Asia Pacific Region (簡稱APR)

金融重鎮: financial capital

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科系(Names of Departments)


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